Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Rural Hall Elementary - Ms. Tucker's First Grade Class

We are Ms. Tucker's first grade class. We go to Rural Hall Elementary School in a small town called Rural Hall in North Carolina. We have 13 boys in our class and only 7 girls. Mrs. Bland is Ms. Tucker's assistant and Ms. Chunn comes in the afternoon from her high school. She is doing an internship in our class because she thinks she wants to be a teacher one day. Our teacher says that we are the best class in the school! We like to sing and dance and move around a lot.
It is fall now and our town fair is here. It is called the Dixie Classic Fair. We have been writing about the sounds and smells of the fair. Ms. Tucker is reading us the book Charlotte's Web. We all decided that we would like to have a friend like Charlotte. We have also been reading about Flat Stanley and his adventures. He sure leads an interesting life.


Heather Weisse Walsh said...

Welcome Ms. Tucker's Class! So glad you decided to join us for this adventure! :)

Parker's Pals said...

Hi Ms. Tucker and class. Stanley arrived here at Barkley Elementary in Phoenixville, PA safely. We look forward to learning about North Carolina and meeting you all soon! We'll take good care of Stanley.